We currently only support Ubuntu 14.04 LTS images for all providers.

Digital Ocean

Digital Ocean is a virtual private server provider based in New York with datacenters in New York, Amsterdam, San Francisco, London and Singapore.

Don't have a Digital Ocean account yet? Sign up for an account.

Don't know how to create your Digital Ocean API keys? Check out this tutorial.


The following node file will create a 512MB droplet (size: 66) on Digital Ocean in their San Francisco 1 datacenter (location: 3):

id: digitalocean_server
name: Digital Ocean server
type: server

  name: digitalocean
  location: 3
  size: 66

Default values

The following values will be used by default for the provider if the attribute is missing.

Attribute Value Description
image 13089493 Ubuntu 14.04.2 64bit LTS
location 3 San Francisco 1


Use the following values to set your provider's sizes and location attributes.


Value Name RAM
66 512MB 512
63 1GB 1024
62 2GB 2048
64 4GB 4096
65 8GB 8192
61 16GB 16384
60 32GB 32768
70 48GB 49152
69 64GB 65536


Value Name
1 New York 1
2 Amsterdam 1
3 San Francisco 1
4 New York 2
5 Amsterdam 2
6 Singapore 1
7 London 1
8 New York 3
9 Amsterdam 3
10 Frankfurt 1