
Tasks are simple sequences of commands performed on designed nodes of a repository upon certain events (aka "triggers").

Task file

As with nodes, you define a task using a simple YAML (.yml) file.

We currently require that you name the file as the task id (see example) and save it in the tasks/ folder. We are working on adding support for arbitrary file names and folders, allowing you to save multiple tasks in a single file.

For example, we could add a deploy.yml file with the following content:

id: deploy
type: task
name: Deployment pipeline

    - path: deploy/my/app

  - nodejs_server

  build: /opt/build_temp
  domain: example.com

  - run: devops git update
      repo: https://github.com/Wiredcraft/octokan.com.git
      dest: "{{ build }}"
      version: master
  - run: cd {{ build }}; make build ; cp -a _site/* /var/www/{{ domain }}


string id
The id of the task, currently has to match the file name.
string name
The name of the task as displayed in the Web UI and CLI.
string type
Must be set to task, defines this file as a task.
object vars Optional
Used to define a list of variables local to the task. Useful to define values you want to use in the steps (see belows).
object triggers Optional
A list of events upon which to run the task. Currently only supports manual trigger and webhooks. Read more about triggers below.
object targets
A list of nodes id on which to run the task.
object steps
A series of commands and tasks to be run one after the other.
string run
A command to be run; it may be an inline shell command, the path to one of the scripts available in the repository or a devops command. Read more about steps below.
object options Optional
An object of options to be passed to the command if it is a devops command.
object targets
A list of nodes id on which to run the command. This takes precedence over the targets defined at the root of the task.

Runs & Status

Everytime a task is triggered, an instance of that task, called a "run", is instanciated. Changes happening after a run has started won't affect it. Each run is asigned a unique id (the "run id").

A run can be:

Status Description Icon
Done The run completed successfully.
Running The run is currently ongoing.
Failed The run aborted after running into an error (details about the error can be found in the console).


The steps attribute defines the series of commands that composes the task. These commands can be of 3 kinds:

  • Inline command: regular shell command. For example:

      - run: mkdir folder
  • Script: you can define shell, python or Ruby scripts in the scripts/ folder, making it convenient to reuse commands across multiple tasks or simply isolate a complex set of commands. For example:

      - run: devops scripts/some_script.sh

    To use packages (pip or gems) we recommend you use the configuration of respectively the Python or Ruby services rather than installing them from within a script.

  • devops command: services installed on your nodes usually come with some helper commands. A devops command looks like devops {SERVICE} {COMMAND} where {SERVICE} is the name of the service and {COMMAND} the name of the specific command. Some of these commands require you to define options. For example, cloning or updating a git repository can be done as follow:

      - run: devops git update
          repo: https://github.com/user/repo.git
          dest: /some/local/folder
          version: master

    As for the scripts, we use the devops keyword. Services documentations list the devops commands available for each service. See for example Git list of commands.

Commands are run as the devops user on targeted nodes. You can however switch users by using the sudo command in scripts or inline commands.


Tasks are run whenever one of the triggers conditions are met.


Webhooks allow you define HTTP callbacks which you, or a 3rd party, can query with a POST payload.

The following definition in a task:

    - path: some/secret/url
    - path: some/other/url

While we are considering more security measures, like restricting access to webhooks for user defined IPs, we recommend that you use obfuscted/complex URLs for your webhooks (if you wish to keep it private).

Will automatically create the following endpoints:


Where {USER} is the repository owner and {REPO} the name of the repository.

When a webhook receives a POST payload, it gets converted a JSON object and assigned to the {{ payload }} variable.


Crons allow you define a schedule when the task should be started.

The following definition in a task:

    - '0 */2 * * *'

Will automatically create a new execution schedule and will get the task started every 2 hours.

The syntax of the cron follows the regular unix crontab; you can find more details here

You may typically want to use cron triggers for backup, any operation you want to schedule in advance, or periodically restart a buggy application.


Events are triggered at various time during the life of your infrastructure, for example when a sync operation on a node starts, when it completes, or when a task run starts and complete. Defining events in your trigger list allow tasks to listen to those events and automatically starts whenever such signal is received.

The following definition in a task:

    - node.my-node.create.success
    - task.some-task.run.error

Will automatically register this task to be executed when:

  • the node my-node has been successfully created
  • the task some-task fails a run

A complete list of the events is available in the events section of the documentation.