• daemon

Supervisord Official documentation

Supervisor is a client/server system that allows its users to monitor and control a number of processes on UNIX-like operating systems.

It can be used to manage any type of process, from custom python code to node.js application.


  • Node.js app

          - name: api
            user: nobody
            command: node app.js
            env: NODE_ENV=prod,MANDRILL_API_KEY=qwerty
            extra: |
              directory = /opt/api
              autorestart = true

    We here define a node.js application that will run as nobody user, execute the app.js code from the /opt/api folder. It will restart automatically no matter how. Both NODE_ENV and MANDRILL_API_KEY environment variable will be passed along to the running process.

  • Python app

          - name: app
            user: nobody
            command: python /opt/my_app/app.py
            env: DEBUG=true

    We here define a simple program that will execute app.py as nobody, passing the DEBUG environment variable along.

  • Custom app

          - name: consul
            command: /bin/consul agent -config-dir /etc/consul.d/

    We here define a simple program that will execute a custom command; in this case the consul agent as root.


Supervisord has dozens of available options, but for improved user experience we only selected a few that we considered essential enough for having their dedicated devo.ps attribute. You can check below for the available options.

You can however extensively customize your program execution by using the extra option. Note that with the Yaml format of the server (and task), you need to use the proper "scalar" to maintain the proper new-line character.

      extra: |
        first = parameter
        second = parameter

Note the | after extra:, it will ensure both lines below are effectively treated as lines (instead of space separated strings of a larger extra string). See the official YAML documentation for more details about the scalars format.


devops supervisord restart
Restart the Supervisord service.
devops supervisord start
Start the Supervisord service if stopped.
devops supervisord stop
Stop the Supervisord service if running.
devops supervisord program add
Add a new program to Supervisord.


Name Type Description Required
autostart boolean Choose whether the application should be executed automatically on start.
command string Command to execute. It must be executed in foreground. Required
env string Comma separated list of environment variables to provide to the command on execution.
extra string Any parameter (line seperated) supported by Supervisord for the programs (http://supervisord.org/configuration.html#program-x-section-settings)
log object Log related details.
name string Name of the program to add. Required
user string Running user for the command.
devops supervisord program remove
Remove an existing program from Supervisor.


Name Type Description Required
name string Name of the program to remove. It should match one that was previously created. Required
devops supervisord program restart
Restart a program managed by Supervisord.


Name Type Description Required
name string Name of the program to restart. Required
devops supervisord program start
Start a program managed by Supervisord.


Name Type Description Required
name string Name of the program to start. Required
devops supervisord program stop
Stop a program managed by Supervisord.


Name Type Description Required
name string Name of the program to stop. Required


inet.password string
The password required for authentication to this HTTP server. This can be a cleartext password, or can be specified as a SHA-1 hash if prefixed by the string {SHA}
inet.port string
A TCP host:port value or (e.g. ``) on which Supervisord will listen for HTTP/XML-RPC requests
inet.username string
Username required for authentication to this HTTP server.
nodaemon boolean
Define whether or not run the Supervisord service as a daemon or not
programs array
array of programs managed by Supervisord
program.autostart boolean
Choose whether the application should be executed automatically on start.
Default: true
program.command string
Command to execute. It must be executed in foreground.
program.env string
Comma separated list of environment variables to provide to the command on execution.
program.extra string
Any parameter (line seperated) supported by Supervisord for the programs (http://supervisord.org/configuration.html#program-x-section-settings)
program.log object
Log related details.
program.log.stderr string
Path to the log file that will save the command stderr
program.log.stdout string
Path to the log file that will save the command stdout
program.name string
Name of the program to add.
program.user string
Running user for the command.
Default: root