
Beyond the user information (username, email address, avatar...), your profile is where you define the sensitive information needed to provision,configure and manage servers for you; SSH keys and providers API keys.

Since provider information and SSH keys are only accessible from the profile, users should be able to easily share repositories with no risk of exposing sensitive details to their actual infrastructure.

SSH keys

The SSH keys defined in your profile are used for two things:

  • Git access; when cloning a repository, you will only be asked to run a command like:

    git clone [email protected]:{USERNAME}/{REPO}

    We use your SSH keys to try and authenticate you against the Git server.

    We currently don't support HTTP or username/password Git access.

  • SSH access; any node created though our service will have your keys, and those of your collaborators, added to the devops user's authorized_keys file. This mean you can at any time log in your servers by running the following command;

    ssh devops@{IP_ADDRESS}

    Where {IP_ADDRESS} is the IP address of your server. You can retrieve this information either using the CLI (see the devops info command) or using the Web UI on the details page of your node. You can also use the CLI's devops ssh command.

If you don't have an SSH key, we recommend you check out the GitHub's page on generating SSH keys.


Providers are cloud hosting services; currently this means EC2, Linode, Digital Ocean or Rackspace. For you to use our service, we require you enter the API key to at least one of these providers; we will use these keys to manage servers on your behalf.

When you invite a collaborator to one of your repository, he may be able to SSH in the nodes and provision servers on your behalf, however he will not be able to see the API key or other information available from your profile.


You profile lists the repositories you own or are a collaborator on. In the Web UI, repositories with collaborators have a distinct icon, similarly repositories you are only a collaborator on have a different color (purple).

CLI keys

When using the CLI, you will be asked to authenticate. You can do so by using a secret key generated by our service and accessible in your profile settings. You can re-generate a new key at any given time.